
Royal HaskoningDHV is a global company which operates in a variety of cultural, social, and business contexts. We act ethically and with transparency in our business dealings, respecting the customs and laws of our working environments. We are an employee-owned and independent company which is reflected in our advice.

Our commitment to decent behaviour, integrity and human rights is an integral part of our culture, rooted in our vision, mission and core values. This is communicated through our Code of Conduct which, together with our Compliance Integrity Management System and Compliance Programme, defines and assures our conduct.

Human Rights 

Royal HaskoningDHV operates in a variety of cultural, social and business contexts. This means that we may operate in countries or in industries where human rights may not always be respected. Enhancing Society Together is our company’s purpose, meaning we care deeply about our employees, our clients, and society at large, and one of our five key themes within this purpose is social value and equality. To deliver on our purpose, we recognise that upholding human rights is intrinsic. Our commitment to respect human rights is not only integral to the way we work but also extends to our business relationships. 

Our Human Rights policy and the specific statements on Modern Slavery reaffirm our commitment to respecting human rights and honouring the principles of our Code of Conduct. 

Anti-Corruption and Integrity Compliance

Integrity is of utmost importance for us. Our integrity policy is embedded throughout the company, and we have had our Compliance Integrity Management System audited and certified since 2010. As of 2020, we are compliant with international ISO standards and have been assessed and certified as meeting the requirements of the ISO 37001 standard for our Anti Bribery Management System as well as meeting the requirement of the ISO 37301 standard for our Compliance Integrity Management System.

We have a zero-tolerance approach to bribery and corruption and aim to meet and surpass international best practice standards in anti-corruption compliance and business ethics. We share our principles on integrity and compliance with suppliers and sub-contractors through e-learning.
To further improve control over our value chain, since 2020 new clients undergo a third-party assessment.

Standards and Principles

We have been a partner of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) for more than a decade, supporting their Ten Principles on human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption. We actively show our commitment to these principles in our tenders, offers and selection process of projects. Yearly we communicate our progress in implementing the Ten Principes of the United Nations Global Compact. These reports are available on the UNGC website.

When there is a potential challenge between a project and our core purpose and beliefs, we are guided by the:

UN Global Compact certificate


Clients, employees and other stakeholders can trust that we act with deep commitment to social responsibility, human rights, integrity and accountability. Only then can we deliver on our purpose of Enhancing Society Together.

Please, speak up if you know of or suspect any unethical behavior from our side. You can also mail us at [email protected] or reach out to us via our SpeakUp (whistleblowing) system for anonymous reporting. We will listen and act to correct the situations you bring to light.