Climate Intelligence App – Global exposure analysis and risk insights 

Wind hazard map in climate intelligence application

Climate Intelligence App in brief

Anticipate disruption from natural hazards
Protect your operations and supply chains from the impacts of unexpected climate hazards.
Maintain business continuity
Become climate resilient, reducing supply chain issues and protecting your assets and networks.
Grow through improved insights
Predict and prevent disruption in a range of future climate scenarios, so you can drive sustainable growth.
Multiple perils
Includes data for 19 different peril types

Our climate risk scoring methodology

The Twinn climate risk intelligence platform is based on proprietary IP developed over 20 years. Our methodology combines high-resolution natural hazard data with cutting-edge machine learning, climate exposure analysis and risk scoring systems.

  • Get climate risk scores based on 19 natural hazards – including floods (coastal, fluvial, pluvial), tropical storms, drought, wildfires, earthquakes, volcano activity and hail
  • Understand climate exposure for individual sites – we can provide data and risk scores at any resolution, down to specific addresses and site locations worldwide
  • Integrate risk intelligence into decision-making – get climate risk scores and data
    • via flat files, APIs or our dynamic visualisation and monitoring platform, so you’re better able to assess, manage and mitigate risks for each asset
hazard risk map and climate risk scoring

Assess your climate risks with Twinn

You may understand how your business impacts the climate. But do you understand how climate change impacts your processes and operations?
Twinn’s free Climate Risk Quick Scan gives you actionable insights on how natural hazards and severe weather affect your organisation’s physical assets worldwide, today and in the future.

Request a climate risk quick scan

How the Twinn climate risk intelligence platform works

climate risk assessment

Historic, real-time, and future climate risk intelligence

  • Access risk intelligence based on 20 years of historic climate data
  • Get real-time climate exposure and risk insights*
  • See climate risk scores for various future climate scenarios based on RCP and SSP projections aligned with the latest IPCC findings
  • Perform portfolio and supply chain analyses with ease
  • Develop climate adaptation strategies and implement climate change-ready measures
    * Depending on data availability and frequency of updates

24/7 risk intelligence through built-in alerting

  • Stay up-to-date on how climate hazards may impact your business continuity, e.g. due to:
    • Physical damage to your assets during a flood event
    • Supply chain issues due to affected port disruptions following a storm event
    • On-site employee safety due to an earthquake or wildfire
  • Make informed decisions to safeguard your people and physical assets, protect operations and optimise your supply chains
aerial view of the financial centre of London

Climate exposure and risk scores for infrastructure worldwide

  • Transport – ports, airports, roads and railroads
  • Real estate – commercial and residential buildings
  • Industry – production facilities, processing plants and supply chain networks
  • Energy – power plants, distribution networks, communication towers
  • Water infrastructure – dams, reservoirs, networks and treatment plants
  • Logistics and facilities – warehouses, storage hubs and data centres
Request a demo

At the click of a button, see climate hazards affecting your business, as well as your suppliers and even your customers – anywhere in the world.

Djeevan SchiferliClimate Risk Intelligence Director

Climate risk intelligence at your fingertips

Analyse data across multiple dimensions
Our climate risk intelligence platform offers a 360° view of past, present and future risk by analysing decades of historic, (near) real-time and future-modelled natural hazard data.
Gain an objective, quantified view of climate risk exposure
The dashboard calculates hazard exposure, asset vulnerability and resulting risk indices for each location.
Based on the best available geospatial data for any type of hazard
We combine high-resolution, granular climate data with advanced modelling, predictive analytics, machine learning and razor-sharp domain expertise.
Make informed decisions and explain them clearly
User-friendly visualisation helps you quantify risk; identify hazards as they develop; and understand, predict and mitigate their impact.
Daniel Martens - Climate Risk Intelligence Lead


Climate Risk Intelligence Lead