Project finance for water infrastructure projects

Countries with emerging economies can find it hard to finance vital infrastructure projects. We help clients conduct feasibility studies, align stakeholders, and obtain the project finance they need to develop their water infrastructure.
water infrastructure, wastewater treatmetn plant

Governments and non-governmental organisations in many economically developed countries have funds for overseas development projects, including drinking water and sanitation infrastructure. But it can be challenging for government agencies, financiers, and water utilities in countries with emerging economies to access this funding.

Finding concessional and innovative finance

Royal HaskoningDHV has access to several financial instruments – especially within the Dutch government – including funding for studies and significant grants for infrastructure implementation. With our specialist expertise, we excel in proposing innovative finance solutions that are the most concessional, maximising the grant portion of project finance for the end client.

A proactive approach helps to find water infrastructure projects

Royal HaskoningDHV uses local expertise in countries with emerging economies to proactively identify suitable projects – before a water crisis occurs.

We’ll assess a range of criteria, including the existing water infrastructure and the political and social landscape within the country. Pre-screening in this way significantly increases the likelihood of securing initial funding.

A step-by-step process to secure funding

We support our clients with a range of feasibility studies that demonstrate the value of water infrastructure projects to potential financiers:

  • A community feasibility study helps clients estimate the potential impact of any upgrade by going door-to-door to survey users of the existing infrastructure.
  • An economic feasibility study gives clients a better understanding of the revenues that could be generated both for the project and for society as a whole. It also includes the steps needed to structure the project to maximise and protect revenue.
  • A technical feasibility study helps clients implement infrastructure with the appropriate level of complexity to match the capabilities of the utility that will be operating and maintaining it.
  • An environmental, social, and governance feasibility study ensures projects meet applicable, local and international standards for biodiversity, sustainability, and social responsibility.

These studies can be completed in any order, depending on the priorities of the project. But they’re vital steps in demonstrating the potential of any investment to funding agencies such as international development banks.

A trusted partner for the entire project

For any development to be successful, every stakeholder must be aligned. Our consultants bring together community and environmental groups with government agencies so they can share a vision of what a successful project will deliver.

Then our engineering expertise enables us to guide clients through projects, from design and build to the operator training and maintenance plans that will keep water flowing for years to come.

The community is an important stakeholder in any new infrastructure. Awareness campaigns help to explain the value of improved services – and reassure investors that uptake will generate revenue.

Michel RiemersmaDirector, Water Technology International

Our project finance consultancy at a glance

Unique and independent
We are the only consultancy that can find finance for a project – and take it from pre-feasibility studies, design, and build to operations and maintenance. We’re not tied to any particular government, so clients can trust us to always act in their best interest.
Local expertise, global reach
We have a proven track record of delivering water infrastructure projects worldwide. Our experts have deep local knowledge of many countries with emerging economies and a global organisation of nearly 6,000 professionals to support them.
A multi-disciplinary approach
It’s vital to ensure that any new water infrastructure is deliverable and sustainable. Our consultants look beyond engineering feasibility to consider the environmental and societal factors that could impact the long-term viability of projects.
An open channel to government
For water utilities in countries with emerging economies, having direct access to a government like that of the Netherlands can be immensely valuable. Our consultants work closely with officials to match projects with policy – significantly increasing the likelihood of successful finance.
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