Climate change is putting people, assets, infrastructure, and business continuity at increasing risk. Impacts like flooding, drought, heatwaves, landslides and wind are taking a growing toll on communities and businesses. For private and public sector organisations, this presents a defining challenge: “How can we adapt to keep our communities, economies, assets and infrastructure running safely?”
As digital technology becomes more sophisticated, data infrastructure must evolve to meet the demands of its users and society. Today, data centre sustainability is non-negotiable for every data centre around the world.
Climate change is already happening. And while reducing emissions might slow it down, climate hazards will continue to become more frequent and severe – and the sea level will continue to rise – for many decades to come. Wherever you are in the world, your port or terminal will need to adapt.
Changes in demand patterns are driving major transformations in global manufacturing industries and supply chains. Addressing decarbonisation and sustainable manufacturing is just one of the urgent focus areas. Rapidly changing market dynamics and operational environments are driving demand for faster adaptation via new product lines and variations, with a simultaneous focus on lean production and minimising costs.
There comes a time when a building where people work no longer fits the bill. Work activities change as a result of social and technological developments, and the number of staff or users increases (or decreases) over the years. A logical solution would be to relocate. But how do you ensure that this building can develop flexibly in line with future developments.
A pleasant, healthy, and safe building. The words may seem simple, but anyone responsible for real estate development or management knows that this is a very complex area. If everything is perfectly organised, users or visitors are unlikely to give it a second thought. But when something goes wrong, the immediate consequences are significant.
With a good, well-designed workplace you contribute directly to your organisation and its bottom line. It is a successful way to attract and retain talent. And by creating an environment that stimulates meeting, collaboration and inspiration, your innovative capacity as well as your productivity grow.
Professional asset management of a real estate portfolio is a complex process. Everyday issues, such as resolving faults and carrying out maintenance, can take up so much time that there is hardly any opportunity to plan ahead. So how do you ensure that your buildings are ready for the future?